Sunday, October 17, 2010

Welcome to the ARMY


Michael is officially in Fort Lee, Virginia and is away from me for an unknown time period. 

But, it's not like I DIDN'T know what I was getting myself into, although technically he was not a Soldier when I fell in love with him. (It's just an added bonus getting to show him off!) I sure am proud of him though, and these weeks/months between us are nothing compared to BCT, which I survived. (: 

I am a strong fucking woman, HEAR ME ROAR!!! 

Seriously though, I miss him, and I am kind of feeling alone and a little lost right now. 


  1. I have no idea what you are going through, I had just a glimpse for 8 weeks and man its tough. You ARE strong, and you are going to have lots of baby girls and be an amazing Army Wife.

  2. LOTS of baby girls. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... maybe a few baby boys and ONE baby girl. lol.

    Dude, I'm awesome, the ARMY better run. :D
