Thursday, October 7, 2010

Have I ever mentioned...

Have I ever mentioned EXACTLY how much I wish death upon despise Ryder's dad and his side of the family?

Because it concerns me exactly how much hate I can harbor for them. I mean, generally I am a very nice, very calm person. I know where my "zen" is and how to find it. I taught 1 year olds to massage their earlobes and "woooooosa" when they were upset, for crying out loud!! But the Cato's? I wish them nothing but misfortune... and by "misfortune" I mean a slow, painful, and lonely death. 

Can you tell I dropped him off tonight? I hate doing that. Oh well- time for laundry, and to finish packing to see my OFFICIAL US Soldier!! 

Oh indeed- tonight was Michael's Rites of Passage ceremony on base. They finally got their black berets that they've worked so hard for these past 9 weeks. Can't believe it's been almost 10 weeks since I've seen him!! Can't freaking WAIT for next Wednesday!! :D

More pictures! (Just for Chelsea)

First day of life

Told you he looked like the guy from LOTR, right Chelsea?
(That's my dad and my punk baby)

He still makes that face when he pretends to sleep.

I LOVE this picture!!

My soldier. <3

Run Japan!! RUN!!
(2nd Halloween, 15 months old)

Probably about 13 months.

Possibly my favorite picture, ever.

Dance dance.


  1. OMG your DAD. And I know you hate dropping him off, that has got to suck 10 shades of suck...I am not sure I could ever bring myself to do that-I might just run away. Also, um HI the elmo slipper picture I want framed....SO friggen CUTE!

  2. I know. I do need to frame that one.... hmmm... Too bad I took it with my cell phone so it's shit quality!
