Friday, October 29, 2010

To: Chelsea

Chelsea, you're my only reader..
this, I know, is true.
So I thought I would dedicate this post
as my personal ode to you. (:

We wear the same glasses
do our hair the same way.
We give work the (mental) finger
Every. Fucking. Day.

You make me giggle at work
with Liar Liar quotes
and you'd probably help me test
which kids drown, and which ones float.

That last line was pretty mean,
but I say it unabashedly
I trust you have the same humor as me..
jokes about drugs and blasphemy. 

I'm glad you moved to Georgia,
I NEEDED a mom friend 
that I could call and vent to
when I'm going to the edge

So Chels, you are awesome,
as we've decided before.
Maybe as awesome as me,
but I doubt it... ha ha. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Lazy, Lazy days...

Had a pretty easy day at work, for once! Only fantasized about launching a small child into traffic once or twice! 
(That's an improvement)
Then I went and had Mexican food with my mommy and my punk little boy
Also had a delicious peach martini
Then I came home and played HARD with my silly little boy until we were both worn out.
Nowwwwwwwww I'm gonna take a shower and call my sexy Soldier.
I love the fact that he has his phone now.

Woohoo for Fridays! :D

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Welcome to the ARMY


Michael is officially in Fort Lee, Virginia and is away from me for an unknown time period. 

But, it's not like I DIDN'T know what I was getting myself into, although technically he was not a Soldier when I fell in love with him. (It's just an added bonus getting to show him off!) I sure am proud of him though, and these weeks/months between us are nothing compared to BCT, which I survived. (: 

I am a strong fucking woman, HEAR ME ROAR!!! 

Seriously though, I miss him, and I am kind of feeling alone and a little lost right now. 

Friday, October 15, 2010

Well shit.

So, I'm home. 

I got to see him. I got to love on him. I got to hug him and squeeze him and call him mine.

And guess what?

He proposed. 

Yup. You heard it. We were walking back to my car away from Hilton Field, he was carrying a ridiculous amount of bags and his military orders, and had a death grip on my finger. He would stop stuttering long enough to start forming a question, then stop, ramble about the wind, and start stuttering again. lol Finally (after I was picking on him about giggling "Soldiers aren't supposed to GIGGLE!!") he spit it out. 

"Perhaps you will marry me?" *Shifting heavy bags around, setting orders on the ground* "And let me love you, forever?"

Me- (out loud) "Ehh, perhaps." 


lol. I love that man. Can't believe how quickly our time together went. Take care of him, Fort Lee, VA. Don't make me come up there!!! 

My small ring, until the "official" one gets sized and ready

I love him with everything I have in me. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I can't believe that I'm actually going to see Michael THIS WEEK!! 
*Insert girly squeals here*

Seriously. I haven't seen the boy since August 3rd 
(That's 69 days, folks.)

I'm so freaking excited I'm seriously in danger of losing control of my bladder! I wish I could bottle up my excitement and sell it as an energy drink because I absolutely have not slept in like, Oh, I dunno, 10 weeks? -lol- but the past 3 days have been unbearable as I get so close. 

And he just called. I miss him so much!! 


...these 2 days of work are going to fucking kill me. 

I love that boy.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Have I ever mentioned...

Have I ever mentioned EXACTLY how much I wish death upon despise Ryder's dad and his side of the family?

Because it concerns me exactly how much hate I can harbor for them. I mean, generally I am a very nice, very calm person. I know where my "zen" is and how to find it. I taught 1 year olds to massage their earlobes and "woooooosa" when they were upset, for crying out loud!! But the Cato's? I wish them nothing but misfortune... and by "misfortune" I mean a slow, painful, and lonely death. 

Can you tell I dropped him off tonight? I hate doing that. Oh well- time for laundry, and to finish packing to see my OFFICIAL US Soldier!! 

Oh indeed- tonight was Michael's Rites of Passage ceremony on base. They finally got their black berets that they've worked so hard for these past 9 weeks. Can't believe it's been almost 10 weeks since I've seen him!! Can't freaking WAIT for next Wednesday!! :D

More pictures! (Just for Chelsea)

First day of life

Told you he looked like the guy from LOTR, right Chelsea?
(That's my dad and my punk baby)

He still makes that face when he pretends to sleep.

I LOVE this picture!!

My soldier. <3

Run Japan!! RUN!!
(2nd Halloween, 15 months old)

Probably about 13 months.

Possibly my favorite picture, ever.

Dance dance.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The obligatory "About me" post. :)

Okay, so first off... I have one amazing little punk kid. 
His name is Ryder 
(which I totally got from watching boy meets world when I was 7)
Shawn's name in REAL life was Rider. I thought it was awesome- sue me. 
...what? No one watched that but me? Pfft. 
Anyway... I have a job.
 It pretty well sucks, but I like the girls I work with.
And the kids, they're okay too.
I teach, by the way.
If you count wiping noses and changing diapers teaching.
I teach them the ABC's!! 
I have, without a doubt, the most amazing man in my life.
His name is Michael
He is a US Soldier.
(Totally hot)
I really can't imagine my life without him, and going the past 9 weeks alone have REALLY sucked.
He graduates from BCT October 14th.
That's -next week-
I randomly pee myself from excitement.
That's normal.

That's about it. I'm pretty lame. I play with my kid. His dad sucks giant donkey balls, so I refer to him and his parents as "The Retard Convention" I really wish all three of them would get hit by a train.

Me pregnant... with STILL another month to go!! 

6ish hours old. :)

Probably a couple weeks old. I loved that shirt.

6ish weeks?

I loved that shirt too. He was probably about 3 weeks here. Maybe more. Who can remember?

I wonder where he gets these faces from?

Oh, riiiiiiiiiiight. Haha.

9 months. Won some contest at school.

13ish months. Silly boy.

8ish months.

9 or 10 months. The first time I ever turned him loose with a bowl of mashed potatoes. 

Water baby!! 

11 months