Friday, November 19, 2010

My day consisted of...

1. Car wouldn't start this morning without multiple attempts and lots of inner cussing
2. Stuck behind a school bus for 80% of my trip to work
3. Almost wrecked in the parking lot due to distracted, rich parents.
4. Boss cornered me saying that we needed to talk about Ryder.
5. Car wouldn't start in parking lot for break until 20 minutes into precious break
6. Forgot spoon for yogurt- subbed with fingers. Gross.
7. Boss wasn't around to talk about Ryder when I got back.
8. Spit up on 6 times in an hour period.
9. Had a child with EXPLOSIVE diarrhea... all the way in his shoes.
10. Called mother of said child to explain that he was in wet shoes.
11. Got bitched at by said mother for having him in wet shoes.
12. Said mother came to bring him shoes.... and left him there to go back to work.
13. Dealt with screaming child. Wanted to scream with him.
14. Got head butted in the lip. Blood.
15. Cleaned the ENTIRE classroom purely to make the clock go faster.
16. Still have 4 kids at 5:30 (When I'm supposed to be out the door)
17. Boss comes in, talks to me for 15 minutes, undermines my discipline procedures.
18. Bit lip to keep from telling boss to rot in hell... Blood. 
19. Dropped children off with another teacher, left 20 minutes late.
20. Car wouldn't start in the parking lot without much hassle and embarrassment. 
21. Ryder throws temper tantrum ENTIRE. WAY. HOME.
22. Cry the whole way home
23. Get Ryder out of car-seat at home, go to check mail, Ryder shuts the goddamn garage door behind me.
24. Get foot almost shut in garage door trying to trigger the sensor to make it open again
25. Fling Ryder out of car. Another tantrum.
26. Try to talk Ryder into going inside. Another tantrum.
27. Spank Ryder. Feel like asshole.
28. Crock pot meal looks like vomit- need dinner alternatives.
29. Tell Ryder to get in chair for dinner. "NO NO NO NO NOOOO!!!!" tantrum.
30. Throw fish sticks in microwave to make Ryder shut up. Success.

My day sucked. I miss Michael. I need a drink.