Chelsea, you're my only reader..
this, I know, is true.
So I thought I would dedicate this post
as my personal ode to you. (:
We wear the same glasses
do our hair the same way.
We give work the (mental) finger
Every. Fucking. Day.
You make me giggle at work
with Liar Liar quotes
and you'd probably help me test
which kids drown, and which ones float.
That last line was pretty mean,
but I say it unabashedly
I trust you have the same humor as me..
jokes about drugs and blasphemy.
I'm glad you moved to Georgia,
I NEEDED a mom friend
that I could call and vent to
when I'm going to the edge
So Chels, you are awesome,
as we've decided before.
Maybe as awesome as me,
but I doubt it... ha ha.